Mom, You Peed on My Foot!: Putting up a positive fight against ALS.

Mom, You Peed on My Foot!: Putting up a positive fight against ALS.

Sekolah Menengah Atas bantu jawab plisss mau dikumpulin​

bantu jawab plisss mau dikumpulin​


1.father does not water the plants in the garden every morning.

2.does mother cook on sunday morning?

3.the students read in the library every day.

4.a tiger does not feed on grass .

5.the teachers visits the library in break time.


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1(-) father does not waters the pants in the garden every morning
2(?) does mother cook on sunday morning?
3. The students read in the library every day
4. (-) a tiger does not feed on grass
5 the teachers visit the library in the break time